Mythwing Development Update Blog 4/12 : Delayed, our apologies.

So, We’ve missed last week and lapsed into the current. We apologize for this, but the end of our project has loomed close yet far away. We spent over a month lingering on our first game jam, as we’ed rather get it right the first time and not disappoint. We’ve taken some time to look at how we operate to complete a project under pressure, and are still adjusting. We’re still ironing the kinks out, and we’re moving on from here.

So, we didn’t complete our first game jam to the extent we wanted. We will be releasing our Work-in-Progress to Patreon, but we must apologize for the wait and incomplete product. There’s almost a game there, we just didn’t have the man-hours to get some key elements in. We do mean key elements. Our artists worked hard, and our sound design made some excellent music, but the putting the game together was hamstrung by a sudden(temporary) loss of manpower on the programmer end. The process also requires some serious streamlining, and we’ve made adjustments as-is, as this was a learning experience. So, let us formally apologize for our work, we feel that it isn’t ready for production, and strive to make sure this month our patreon has results. We have a larger pool of talent to pour in this month, and we’re hoping to put that to good use, and to operate in a timely fashion.

We’re moving on from a story-based game to a mechanics-based game. Our lead programmer had a project he’s dusted off, and we’re at work making an infinitely scaling combat engine. We use this term – infinitely scaling combat engine – specifically because we want to focus on mechanics, for now, with this being a testbed for a system that we can put into future games. Or perhaps just pilfer from.

That is all for this week. We’ll leave more details to patreon, and we’ll see you all next week! Thank you for reading, and don’t forget to Follow us here, on twitter, and on our Patreon. Have a nice week!

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